Monday, February 6, 2012

Emily's Tiger - sorting through emotions

Sometimes when Milena gets upset, she gets VERY UPSET! Which I think is fairly normal for a three year old. Life is still very confusing and unfair at times, and controlling those emotions is difficult. "Emily's Tiger" is a great book to pull off the shelf when Milena's having a particularly awful day. 
When Emily gets angry, she turns into quite the little tiger. Her parents aren't sure what they're going to do with her. But then Grandma shows up, and shares a little secret with Emily (shhhh! she can turn into a tiger too!). 
Milena loves Emily! The illustrations are great, and the Grandma is so much fun (love the inter-generational relationship!). The story gives kids the knowledge that they are in control of their feelings, even if they're not in control of the situation.

Other Barefoot Books titles with similar themes:

"Find out what happens when Sam wakes up and finds that he's shrinking! ... This quirky story addresses the woes of a middle child, who is in need of a little attention." But really it's a great read for anyone who sometimes feels ignored.
"Join Ruby on her way to school and see the world her mom cannot see. In an old house, she spies bats with red eyes peering out and scary witches that flit about. And these aren’t the only dangers on her path: tigers, crocodiles and mighty beasts abound! 'I must be brave, I must be strong,' chants Ruby as she musters the nerve to scare them off; but will it work." This is the perfect book for any kid unsure about starting at a new school or trying anything new and different. And it's an eye-opener for parents as well!

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